Project descriptions: MBEMSC: Protocols The state of Massachusetts introduced new protocols for prehospital (ambulance) care providers. The printed version of the protocols were close to 500 pages long. I lead a team which created a flow-chart version of these protocols. This team also created a test, answer key and study guides to verify a provider's knowledge of the new protocols. MBEMSC: MCI Task Force I lead a group of industry experts in the development of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) response plan for the metropolitan Boston area. Deliverables which I managed on this project included meeting agendas, an MCI communications plan, and draft versions of a complete MCI Response Plan. MBEMSC: Contact database This project was responsible for gathering all industry and government contacts used by all employees of this organization in a central database which could be used by all employees. Additional functionality included categorizing all contacts so subsets could be extracted based on such criteria as committee membership, type of employer (ex. hospital, ambulance service, etc.), etc. Deliverables which I managed included various draft versions of the database. MBEMSC: Web site This project involved the redesign of the entire corporate website. Deliverables which I managed included sample pages for review, complete redesigned website, and updated data as needed. MBEMSC: Newsletter Managed publishing of a monthly newsletter. Coordinated articles from various board members, state officials, and industry representatives. Deliverables were monthly newsletters. MBEMSC: CC-DNR training Managed creation of course training outlines and course lesson plans for ambulance providers and nursing home personnel. MBEMSC: EC Board Managed conceptualization, planning and implementation of an online Emergency Communication Board to be used in the event of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). The board was intended to be used for communication between various cities, fire and ambulance agencies, hospitals, and other pertinent organizations. Deliverables which I managed included requirements documentation, Emergency Communication Board web pages and instructions for use of the web pages. Saztec: Webhire configuration change Webhire is a company that sells recruiting software. One component of their software was resume processing. The data processing company which I worked for had joined with Webhire to provide data processing services for Webhire clients. This project involved formatting our output in the format required by the Webhire software. Deliverables which I managed included configuration files, code modifications to meet the Webhire output requirements, tests and verification of successful data import. Saztec: Icarian / KLA/T project Icarian is a company that sells recruiting software. One component of their software was resume processing. The data processing company which I worked for had joined with Icarian to provide data processing services for Icarian clients. This project involved formatting our output in the format required by the Icarian software. Deliverables which I managed included configuration files, code modifications to meet the Icarian output requirements, tests and verification of successful data import. Saztec: Mware project review This project involved reviewing a proposal for an outside software vendor to create customized software for our resume processing center. Deliverables which I managed were projected savings estimates, system specifications and requirements, and final proposal review. Saztec: Processing resumes in Scotland My employer sought to leverage existing additional data processing capacity in their Scotland office to reduce the backlog of work in our US office. Deliverables which I managed for this project included task lists to interface the workflows from US and Scotland offices, technical specifications for the workflow interface, proof-of-concept software applications to transfer necessary data, implementation of the software, and test plans for the new interface software. Saztec: Resume Processing System Criteria review This project involved reviewing specifications for a resume processing system. This was in preparation for developing replacement software to the existing processing applications. The existing applications were not as scalable or flexible as needed as the company gained more clients. Deliverables which I managed included updates to the system criteria and a formal review summary document. Saztec: Deploy This project involved configuring the existing software applications to handle custom requirements for this client. Deliverables which I managed included updated output specifications, software changes for modified output format, and schedules of when backlogged work would be completed. Saztec: ServiSense: utility bills This project involved working with the marketing team to create a proposal for a potential data processing client. Deliverables which I managed included technical specifications, data output specifications, and timelines for completing necessary modifications to our data processing software. Saztec: VB Programmer Interviews This project involved adding additional staff to the IT department. Deliverables which I managed included minimum candidate knowledge/experience requirements, interview schedules and tests of candidates' knowledge. Viridien: TechOnLine Deliverables which I managed on this project included user acceptance tests, software which output merchant invoices in HTML or tab delimited format, proposal reviews, reviews and comparisons of final results with initial proposal, and comparison lists of desired reports with delivered reports. Viridien: planetRAD Gold Deliverables which I managed on this project included user acceptance tests and software defect lists. Viridien: Quantum Ship2 System Deliverables which I managed on this project included documentation reviews, client meeting summaries, and software version control. Viridien: Viridien VSS policy/procedure On this project I created a software version control policy and procedure for my employer. Deliverables which I managed included a procedure guide, and policies and procedures for such version control tasks as file sharing, branching, and modification. Viridien: Viridien website This project involved the redesign of the entire corporate website. Deliverables which I managed included webpage flows, logic paths for users, database setup and web server setup. Viridien: CVS Project This project involved the conversion of the CVS Pharmacy website from Microsoft technology to Java and Oracle technology. Deliverables which I managed included reverse engineering documents and conversion of software applications using Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle databases. Trinity: PDA data collection system project Managed conceptualization, planning and proof-of-concept of a PDA-based data collection system for an ambulance service. Deliverables which I managed included specifications for the software application, documentation of agency specific information (ex. employee lists, receiving hospital lists, etc.), and a proof-of-concept software application. CVS: Promo Toolbox This project involved modifications to a legacy application. Deliverables which I managed on this project included screen layout templates and printouts, a software demo presentation, User Interface documentation, an architectural "roadmap", and a listing of all user controls on all forms. CVS: Web MD feed This project involved automated retrieval of information on a vendor site, data storage in our database and creating updated files on our site to reflect the new information received from the vendor site. Deliverables which I managed on this project included software file and version listings, development notes, application code, and a table describing all FTP URLs with their properties. CVS: Brand Store Tool This project involved the creation of a content management tool, and website changes to display the data entered into the content management tool. Deliverables which I managed on this project included feature requirements, project definition document, design proposal, code flow chart, database administrator requests, and design document. CVS: ExtraCare integration This project involved integrating information from a customer loyalty program on the existing website. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a project definition document, project requirements and documentation of a kiosk version of this application. CVS: Allergy Care Department This project involved adding a new product category on the website. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a project definition document, step-by-step instructions for completing similar projects in the future, data modifications, modified website files, and database administrator requests. CVS: Project CVS This project involved adding security measures to prevent users from taking advantage of sales and other promotions to which they should not be eligible, based on their previous purchasing history. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a database schema design, project deliverables list, description of how all project components would interact, list of test cases, and a project requirements document. CVS: Friendly URL automation Creating an easy-to-remember URL for various promotions involved a manual and error-prone series of steps. This project involved automating those steps, thus significantly reducing any chance for human error and reducing the time required to perform the steps. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a Unix shell script, usage instructions, and activity log files. CVS: Flu Clinic Flu clinics were to be held at various store locations. This project involved modifying the Store Lookup feature to display this information. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a change request document, updated store listings and a modified store listing feed. CVS: Famvir This project involved creating a proposal to host a survey related to a third party pharmaceutical product. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a project definition document, screen shots of desired website pages, and the logic flow through the website pages. CVS: Web MD removal At the end of a contract, information provided by a former partner needed to be removed from the website. Deliverables which I managed on this project included a listing of all references to the former partner on, updated text and graphics, website site map updates, a schedule for the former partner and synchronization (ex. when would move files to production, when would be disabled, etc.), and a task list. CVS: B&B Tool This project involved creating a content management application and website modifications which would retrieve content from a dynamic database, instead of static (hardcoded) website files. Deliverables which I managed on this project included feature requirements, detailed architectural diagram, database schema, website page flow, and application code. CVS: Email List monthly processing process This project involved creating an automated monthly feed of all website user email addresses. Invalid email addresses, requests to be removed from distribution lists and changes of email addresses were to be processed. Deliverables which I managed on this project included output file specifications, input file specifications, creation of a temporary database to assist with processing, and test cases to ensure correct processing. CVS: SABR This project involved a redesign of the search feature on the website. Deliverables which I managed on this project included search module architecture diagram, design document, business requirements and feature requirements.